Summer Touch Rugby - Adult & Youth
Summer touch rugby is back for 2019 in two different days a week and in two different formats. Both will take place in City Park at the Harrison & Marconi Field.
Tuesday and Thursday Nights - Classic Touch
Union rules (not FIT touch), unlimited downs, two hand touch, etc.
Ages 13+
Free play on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Be at Harrison/Marconi field at 600pm. Circle up and number off teams at 615pm.
Pick teams by numbering off in a circle each night -- just show up when you can, no commitment
Wednesday Nights - FIT Touch
June 19 - August 28
The Game:
The game is played by 2 teams of 6 players.
Points are scored by placing the ball in the end zone. We call this scoring a “Try”.
To get the ball to the end zone, you must pass backwards only (sorry aspiring quarterbacks!). The ball is progressed by running it forward.
Tackling is very similar to flag football; a defender must “tag” the offense. In the event of a tackle, the defense must back up 5m from the ball while the offence places the ball on the ground and a teammate picks it up to continue play. If the defense does not back up the full 5m before the next tag, a penalty will be called. On the 6th tag, possession is turned over to the defense.
Dropping the ball, accidentally passing forward or any other infringement of the rules results in a change of possession.
Games are 45 minutes long; 20 minute halves and 5 minute half time.
The league is a round robin style with matches every Wednesday. Teams can expect to play every Wednesday of the season. There will be at least 2 games played per week.
Team with the most points at the end of the season, wins.
Team check in is at 15 minutes prior to kickoff. Youth league kickoff at 5:30p followed by adult league at 6:15pm and 7:00pm.
Teams must have enough players to put a team of 6 on the field.
The Teams:
Teams must consist of between 6 and 12 players. You must have a minimum of 2 females on a team.
Youth teams will be split up at the beginning of each match.
Each team must have 6 players on the field at a time, 1 of which must be a lady.
The league will provide uniforms for all players and each team captain will receive a touch rugby ball.
Fee Includes:
6 regular season games
Team t-shirts
Facility rental, field markings, and equipment
1 referee/monitor per game
League administration and customer service
Prizes for league champions
For more information or questions: Contact Us